Here you can find my

Research interests:


Publications (BibTeX, arXiv, pik, ResearchGate,
# Title Authors Journal Issue
69. Commentary: A road map for future data-driven urban planning and environmental health research Dyer GMC, Khomenko S, Adlakha D, Anenberg S, Angelova J, Behnisch M, Boeing G, Chen X, Cirach M, de Hoogh K, Diez Roux AV, Esperon-Rodriguez M, Flueckiger B, Gasparrini A, Iungman T, Khreis H, Kondo MC, Masselot P, McDonald RI, Montana F, Mitchell R, Mueller N, Nawaz MO, Pereira E, Pisoni E, Prieto-Curiel R, Rezaei N, Rybski D, Ramasco JJ, Schifanella R, Shabou S, Tatah L, Taubenböck H, Tonne C, Velázquez-Cortés D, Woodcock J, Zhang Q, Nieuwenhuijsen M cities 2024
68. Indication of long-range correlations governing city size Li Y, Ural D, Kantelhardt JW, Rybski D PNAS Nexus 2024
67. Pairwise-Interaction Model Unifies Different Asymptotic Shapes of UHI Intensity Li Y, Ribeiro FL, Zhou B, Rybski D Geophysical Research Letters 2024
66. Analytical solution for the long- and short-range every-pair-interactions system Ribeiro FL, Li Y, Born S, Rybski D Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 2024
65. Comparison of Embodied Carbon of 3D-printed vs. Conventionally Built Houses Rossi C, Reitemeyer F, Heidrich O, Rybski D Urban Findings 2024
64. Auerbach, Lotka, and Zipf: pioneers of power-law city-size distributions Rybski D, Ciccone A Archive for History of Exact Sciences (Tab.1) 2023
63. Mathematical models to explain the origin of urban scaling laws Ribeiro FL, Rybski D Physics Reports (arXiv) 1012: 1-39, 2023
62. A large share of Berlin's vegetable consumption can be produced within the city Simone MD, Pradhan P, Kropp JP, Rybski D Sustainable Cities and Societies 91: 104362, 2023
61. Measuring the effect of climate change on migration flows: Limitations of existing data and analytical frameworks Helbling M, Rybski D, Schewe J, Siedentop S, Glockmann M, Heider B, Jones B, Meierrieks D, Rikani A, Stroms P PLoS Climate 2 (1): e0000078, 2023
60. Cities as Complex Systems - Collection Overview Rybski D, Gonzalez MC PLoS One 17 (2): e0262964, 2022
59. Commuting network effect on urban wealth scaling Alves LGA, Rybski D, Ribeiro HV Scientific Reports (arXiv) 11: 22918, 2021
58. Context sensitivity of surface urban heat island at the local and regional scales Li Y, Zhou B, Glockmann M, Kropp JP, Rybski D Sustainable Cities and Societies 74: 103146, 2021
57. Self-organized multistability in the forest fire model Rybski D, Butsic V, Kantelhardt JW PRE
(physics synopsis, The story)
104 (1): L012201, 2021
56. Characterizing the sectoral development of cities Rybski D, Pradhan P, Shutters ST, Butsic V, Kropp JP PLoS One 16 (7): e0254601, 2021
55. Modeling urban morphology by unifying Diffusion-Limited Aggregation and Stochastic Gravitation Rybski D, Li Y, Born S, Kropp JP Urban Findings June, 2021
54. Quantitative evidence for leapfrogging in urban growth Glockmann M, Li Y, Lakes T, Kropp JP, Rybski D Environ. Plan. B 49 (1): 352-367, 2022
53. Association between population distribution and urban GDP scaling Ribeiro HV, Oehlers M, Moreno-Monroy AI, Kropp JP, Rybski D PLoS One (arXiv) 16 (1): e0245771, 2021
52. Defining pathways to healthy sustainable urban development Tonne C, Adair L, Adlakha D, Anguelovski I, Belesova K, Berger M, Brelsford C, Dadvand P, Dimitrova A, Giles-Corti B, Heinz A, Mehran N, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Pelletier F, Ranzani O, Rodenstein M, Rybski D, Samavati A, Satterthwaite D, Schöndorf J, Schreckenberg D, Stollmann J, Taubenböck H, Tiwari G, van Wee B, Adli M Environ. Int. 146: 106236, 2021
51. A Gini approach to spatial CO2 emissions Zhou B, Thies S, Gudipudi R, Lüdeke MKB, Kropp JP, Rybski D PLoS One (arXiv) 15 (11): e0242479, 2020
50. Urban food systems: how regionalization can contribute to climate change mitigation Pradhan P, Kriewald S, Costa L, Rybski D, Benton TG, Fischer G, Kropp JP Environ. Sci. Technol. 54 (17): 10551-10560, 2020
49. On the influence of density and morphology on the Urban Heat Island intensity Li Y, Schubert S, Kropp JP, Rybski D Nat. Commun. 11: 2647, 2020
48. The interpretation of urban scaling analysis in time Bettencourt LMA, Yang VC, Lobo J, Kempes CP, Rybski D, Hamilton MJ J. R. Soc. Interface (ssrn) 17 (163): 20190846, 2020
47. Relating SDG11 indicators and urban scaling - an exploratory study Akuraju V, Pradhan P, Haase D, Kropp JP, Rybski D Sustainable Cities and Societies 52: 101853, 2020
46. Comparing Generic and Case Study Damage Functions: London Storm-Surge Example Rybski D, Dawson RJ, Kropp JP Nat. Hazards. Rev. 21 (1): 06019003, 2020
45. Urban scaling laws Rybski D, Arcaute E, Batty M Environ. Plan. B (Editorial) 46 (9): 1605-1610, 2019
44. Urban emission scaling - Research insights and a way forward Gudipudi R, Rybski D, Lüdeke MKB, Kropp JP Environ. Plan. B (Commentary) 46 (9): 1678-1683, 2019
43. Settlement percolation: A study of building connectivity and poles of inaccessibility Behnisch M, Schorcht M, Kriewald S, Rybski D Landscape Urban Plan. 191: 103631, 2019
42. Effects of changing population or density on urban carbon dioxide emissions Ribeiro HV, Rybski D, Kropp JP Nat. Commun. 10: 3204, 2019
41. Singularity cities Li Y, Rybski D, Kropp JP Environ. Plan. B 48 (1): 43-59, 2021
40. The efficient, the intensive, and the productive: Insights from urban Kaya scaling Gudipudi R, Rybski D, Lüdeke MKB, Zhou B, Liu Z, Kropp JP Appl Energ (arXiv) 236: 155-162, 2019
39. Damage and protection cost curves for coastal floods within the 600 largest European cities Prahl BF, Boettle M, Costa L, Kropp JP, Rybski D Sci. Data
5: 180034, 2018
38. Benchmarking urban eco-efficiency and urbanites' perception Gudipudi R, Lüdeke MKB, Rybski D, Kropp JP cities 74: 109-118, 2018
37. A Systematic Study of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Interactions Pradhan P, Costa L, Rybski D, Lucht W, Kropp JP Earth's Future
5 (11): 1169-1179, 2017
36. Comment on 'High-income does not protect against hurricane losses' Rybski D, Prahl BF, Kropp JP Environ. Res. Lett. 12 (9): 098001, 2017
35. The role of city size and urban form in the surface urban heat island
(supplementary information)
Zhou B, Rybski D, Kropp JP Scientific Reports 7 (1): 4791, 2017
34. Costs of sea dikes - regressions and uncertainty estimates
Lenk S, Rybski D, Heidrich O, Dawson RJ, Kropp JP Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 17 (5): 765-779, 2017
33. Cities as nuclei of sustainability? Rybski D, Reusser DE, Winz AL, Fichtner C, Sterzel T, Kropp JP Environ. Plan. B (arXiv-blog) 44 (3): 425-440, 2017
32. The size distribution, scaling properties and spatial organization of urban clusters: a global and regional percolation perspective Fluschnik T, Kriewald S, Ros AGC, Zhou B, Reusser RE, Kropp JP, Rybski D Int. J. Geo-Inf. 5 (7): 110, 2016
31. Damage functions for climate-related hazards: unification and uncertainty analysis
Prahl BF, Rybski D, Boettle M, Kropp JP Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 16 (5): 1189-1203, 2016
30. Food Surplus and its Climate Burdens Hic C, Pradhan P, Rybski D, Kropp JP Environ Sci Technol
(Scientific American)
50 (8): 4269-4277, 2016
29. Quantifying the effect of sea level rise and flood defence - a point process perspective on coastal flood damage Boettle M, Rybski D, Kropp JP Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 16 (2): 559-576, 2016
28. Assessing Seasonality in the Surface Urban Heat Island of London Zhou B, Lauwaet D, Hooyberghs H, De Ridder K, Kropp JP, Rybski D J Appl Meteorol Clim 55 (3): 493-505, 2016
27. Comparison of storm damage functions and their performance
Prahl BF, Rybski D, Burghoff O, Kropp JP Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences
15 (4): 769-788, 2015
26. Evidence for long-term memory in sea level
Dangendorf S, Rybski D, Mudersbach C, Müller A, Kaufmann E, Zorita E, Jensen J Geophysical Research Letters
41 (15): 5530-5537, 2014
25. On the statistics of urban heat island intensity
(supplementary material)
Zhou B, Rybski D, Kropp JP Geophysical Research Letters
(Eos, news)
40 (20): 5486-5491, 2013
24. Characterizing the development of sectoral Gross Domestic Product composition Lutz R, Spies M, Reusser DE, Kropp JP, Rybski D PRE (arXiv) 88 (1): 012804, 2013
23. Probing the statistical properties of unknown texts: application to the Voynich Manuscript
(see also)
Amancio DR, Altmann EG, Rybski D, Oliveira Jr. ON, Costa L da F PLoS One (arXiv) 8 (7): e67310, 2013
22. Auerbach's Legacy
(see also)
Rybski D Environ. Plan. A 45 (6): 1266-1268, 2013
21. How changing sea level extremes and protection measures alter coastal flood damages Boettle M, Rybski D, Kropp JP WRR 49 (3): 1199-1210, 2013
20. Distance weighted city growth Rybski D, Ros AGC, Kropp JP PRE (arXiv) 87 (4): 042114, 2013
19. How People Interact in Evolving Online Affiliation Networks
Gallos LK, Rybski D, Liljeros F, Havlin S, Makse HA PRX (arXiv) 2 (3): 031014, 2012
18. Communication activity in a social network: relation between long-term correlations and inter-event clustering
Rybski D, Buldyrev SV, Havlin S, Liljeros F, Makse HA Scientific Reports (arXiv) 2 (560): srep00560, 2012
17. Applying Stochastic Small-Scale Damage Functions to German Winter Storms Prahl BF, Rybski D, Kropp JP, Burghoff O, Held H Geophysical Research Letters 39 (6): L06806, 2012
16. The Myth of Global Science Collaboration - Collaboration patterns in epistemic communities
Hennemann S, Rybski D, Liefner I Journal of Informetrics (arXiv) 6 (2): 217-225, 2012
15. A Human Development Framework for CO2 Reductions
(supporting information, correction, data)
Costa L, Rybski D, Kropp JP PLoS One (arXiv, arXiv-si) 6 (12): e29262, 2011
14. About the influence of elevation model quality and small-scale damage functions on flood damage estimation
Boettle M, Kropp JP, Reiber L, Roithmeier O, Rybski D, Walther C Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 11 (12): 3327-3334, 2011
13. Communication activity in social networks: growth and correlations
Rybski D, Buldyrev SV, Havlin S, Liljeros F, Makse HA EPJB (arXiv) 84 (1): 147-159, 2011
12. The Area and Population of Cities: New Insights from a Different Perspective on Cities
Rozenfeld HD, Rybski D, Gabaix X, Makse HA American Economic Review (nber, arXiv) 101 (5): 2205-2225, 2011
11. Towards a unified characterization of phenological phases: fluctuations and correlations with temperature
Rybski D, Holsten A, Kropp JP Physica A (arXiv) 390 (4): 680-688, 2011
10. Quantifying long-range correlations in complex networks beyond nearest neighbors
Rybski D, Rozenfeld HD, Kropp JP EPL 90 (2): 28002, 2010
9. Scaling laws of human interaction activity
(supporting information)
Rybski D, Buldyrev SV, Havlin S, Liljeros F, Makse HA PNAS 106 (31): 12640-12645, 2009
8. On the detection of trends in long-term correlated records
Rybski D and Bunde A Physica A 388 (8): 1687-1695, 2009
7. Laws of Population Growth
(supporting information)
Rozenfeld HD, Rybski D, Andrade Jr. JS, Batty M, Stanley HE, Makse HA PNAS 105 (48): 18702-18707, 2008
6. Long-term Memory in 1000 Years Simulated Temperature Records
Rybski D, Bunde A, von Storch H Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres 113 (D2): D02106, 2008
5. Long-term analysis of air temperature trends in Central Asia
Giese E, Mossig I, Rybski D, Bunde A Erdkunde 61 (2): 186-202, 2007
4. Long-term persistence in climate and the detection problem
Rybski D, Bunde A, Havlin S, von Storch H Geophysical Research Letters 33 (6): L06718, 2006
3. Long-term persistence and multifractality of precipitation and river runoff records Kantelhardt JW, Koscielny-Bunde E, Rybski D, Braun P, Bunde A, Havlin S Journal of Geophysical Research 111 (D1): D01106, 2006
2. Multifractality of river runoff and precipitation: comparison of fluctuation analysis and wavelet methods Kantelhardt JW, Rybski D, Zschiegner SA, Braun P, Koscielny-Bunde E, Livina V, Havlin S, Bunde A Physica A 330 (1-2): 240-245 DEC 1 2003
1. Phase synchronization in temperature and precipitation records Rybski D, Havlin S, Bunde A Physica A 320: 601-610 MAR 15 2003

Proceedings and book chapters:
Title Authors Inbook
Comparing power laws and exponentials in simulations of gravitational growth Rybski D, Li Y in " Handbook on Entropy, Complexity and Spatial Dynamics - A Rebirth of Theory?" edited by Reggiani A, Schintler LA, Czamanski D, Patuelli R, chapter 27, p. 474-485, Edward Elgar, 2021
Relating climate compatible development and human livelihood Reusser DE, Costa L, Lissner T, Pradhan P, Holsten A, Rybski D, Reusswig F, Kropp JP Energy Procedia, 40: 192-201, 2013
Coastal Protection and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis: Didactically Processed Examples Boettle M, Schmidt-Thome P, Rybski D in "Climate Change Adaptation in Practice - From Strategy Development to Implementation" edited by Schmidt-Thome P and Klein J, chapter 4, p. 35-49, Wiley-Blackwell, 2013
Adaptation to Sea Level Rise: Calculating Costs and Benefits for the Case Study Kalundborg, Denmark Boettle M, Rybski D, Kropp JP in "Climate Change Adaptation in Practice - From Strategy Development to Implementation" edited by Schmidt-Thome P and Klein J, chapter 3, p. 25-34, Wiley-Blackwell, 2013
Preface "Sea Hazards" Pelinovsky E, Didenkulova I, Mendez F, Rybski D, Tinti S Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences - Special Issue "Sea Hazards", 13 (4): 1063-1067, 2013
Detrended fluctuation studies of long-term persistence and multifractality of precipitation and river runoff records Rybski D, Bunde A, Havlin S, Kantelhardt JW, Koscielny-Bunde E in "In Extremis: Disruptive Events and Correlations in Hydrology and Climate" edited by Kropp JP and Schellnhuber HJ, chapter 11, p. 216-248, Springer, 2011
A review on the Pettitt test Rybski D, Neumann J in "In Extremis: Disruptive Events and Correlations in Hydrology and Climate" edited by Kropp JP and Schellnhuber HJ, chapter 10, p. 202-213, Springer, 2011
Power-Law Persistence in the Atmosphere: Analysis and Applications Bunde A, Eichner JF, Govindan R, Havlin S, Koscielny-Bunde E, Rybski D, Vjushin D arXiv:physics/0208019v2 [] in "Nonextensive Entropy: Interdisciplinary Applications - Proceedings Volume in the Santa Fe Institute Studies in the Sciences of Complexity" edited by Gell-Mann M. and Tsallis C., chapter 12, p. 207-220, Oxford University Press, 2004

unpublished Publications:
Title Authors Preprint
Employment and Land Use in the United States: cross-sectional and short-term Trends reveal the Importance of the 96th Meridian Rybski D, Helmers DP, Pradhan P, Shutters ST, Radeloff V, Butsic V 2212.01148
Zipf's law and urban scaling: Hypotheses towards a Unified Urban Theory Ribeiro FL, Lobo J, Rybski D 2107.11782
Urban Science: Integrated Theory from the First Cities to Sustainable Metropolises Lobo J et al. 3526940
Sea-level rise and continuous adaptation: residual damage rises faster than the protection costs Rybski D, Prahl BF, Boettle M, Kropp JP 2010.07439
On the relation between UHI intensity and city proximity Zhou B, Rybski D, Kropp JP 1710.01726
Relating urban scaling, fundamental allometry, and density scaling
Rybski D 1609.01217
Indirect identification of damage functions from damage records
Steinhauser JM, Rybski D, Kropp JP 1509.01786
Projecting human development and CO2 emissions
Costa L, Rybski D, Kropp JP 1202.1951

Solicited talks:
Title Occasion Date Size Download
Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation in Cities: A Damage Function Approach in the Context of Sea-Level Rise Colloquium, Climate Change Science Institute and Urban Dynamics Institute Seminar, Oak Ridge National Laboratory 16.5.2016 3'914'266 RybskiD_ornl_2016.pdf
Cities as complex systems -- towards a structural view on climate change challenges Colloquium, School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Newcastle University 17.3.2014 5'949'918 RybskiD_newcastle_2014.pdf
About the role of cities in the climate change policy-making Dialogue "No Regrets - Pre-Acting and Adapting to Climate Change in Cities" (Metropolis Initiative, Brussels) 10.2.2014 3'135'763 RybskiD_no-regrets_2014-02-10.pdf
Cities as complex systems -- towards a structural view on climate change challenges Kolloquium, Erd- und Umweltwissenschaften, Uni Potsdam 10.6.2013 geckos2013.pdf
The Topographic Definition of Cities: a New Paradigm in Urbanology Volkswirtschaftliche Forschungsseminar zu ausgewählten Fragen der Wirtschaftstheorie und Wirtschaftspolitik, Uni Duisburg 8.5.2013 RybskiD_2013-05-08.pdf
On the estimation of damages due to coastal floods AGU2011 (NG43C-02) 8.12.2011 2'096'604 RybskiD_agu2011_NG43C-02.pdf
On the estimation of damages due to coastal floods Colloquium, Boston University, Physics 1.12.2011 2'105'103 RybskiD_bu_2011-12-01.pdf
New Laws of City Growth Colloquium, Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Computational Landscape Ecology 21.7.2011 2'921'611 futalk2011.pdf
Company networks and their correlations beyond nearest neighbors International Conference on Econophysics (Shanghai, 2011) 5.6.2011 720'696 RybskiD_ice2011.pdf
New Laws of City Growth Colloquium, Meteorology, FU Berlin 21.3.2011 2'921'611 futalk2011.pdf
About human activity, long-term memory, and Gibrat's law Colloquium, Nonlinear Dynamics, MPI-PKS Dresden 11.1.2011 1'013'867 dresden2011.pdf
About growth and correlations in cities and social communities Colloquium, Theoretical Physics, MLU Halle-Wittenberg 9.12.2009 2'818'277 halle2009.pdf
Long-term persistence in climate and the detection problem EGU06-A-00331; NP3.04-1WE5O-002 5.4.2006 621'085 EGU2006t.pdf

Media (selection):
Title Type Date Download
Climate scientists worry about the costs of sea level rise Newspaper (The Guardian) 2.3.2016 TheGuardian_2016-03-02.pdf
Die Schadenssumme steigt schneller als der Meeresspiegel Newspaper (Tages Anzeiger) 1.3.2016 TagesAnzeiger_2016-03-01.pdf
When sea levels rise, damage costs rise even faster public release 28.2.2016 EurekAlert_2016-02-28.pdf
Proposals for reducing carbon dioxide emissions must balance with development needs public release 21.12.2011 EurekAlert_2011-12-21.pdf
Meinungswandel beim Klimawandel
by Axel Bojanowski
Newspaper (Süddeutsche Zeitung) 22.6.2006 Sueddeutsche_2006-06-22.pdf


Title Date Details
Storm Surges and coastal areas: extreme events, damages, and risk (NH5.5)
25.4.2012 EGU General Assembly 2012
Conveners: C. Mudersbach, J. Jensen, J. Kropp, D. Rybski, F. J. Mendez, R. J. Nicholls, B. Zanuttigh
The socio-ecologic system and its transitions (ERE1.12)
27.4.2012 EGU General Assembly 2012
Conveners: D. E. Reusser, J. Kropp, D. Rybski, A. Cerdà, A. Ferreira
Storm Surges and coastal areas: extreme events, damages, and risk (NH5.5)
6.4.2011 EGU General Assembly 2011
Conveners: D. Rybski, C. Mudersbach, J. Jensen, J. P. Kropp

Presentations and treatises:
Title Type Date Size Download
Modeling cities and urbanization: cities in the context of development Talk (AK Theorie und Quantitative Methoden in der Geographie) 28.2.2014 3'702'369 RybskiD_tuebingen_2014.pdf
Urbanisierung: über das Gibratsche Gesetz, Kritikalität und Gravitation Talk (Geographentag 2013, FS 60, Referat 2) 4.10.2013 2'785'472 RybskiD_geotag2013.pdf
Projecting Human Development and CO2 emissions employing correlations Poster (EGU2012-4988 ERE1.12) 27.4.2012 924'810 RybskiD_agu2011_poster.pdf
On the estimation of damages due to coastal floods Poster (EGU2012-299 NH5.5) 25.4.2012 1'051'693 RybskiD_egu2012_nh55xy299.pdf
Proximity based city growth Talk (DPG2012 SOE 18.4) 29.3.2012 1'248'492 RybskiD_dpg2012.pdf
City Clustering and Applications Talk (20. Kolloquium Theorie und Quantitative Methoden in der Geographie) 23.2.2012 10'082'582 RybskiD_2012-02-23.pdf
Correlations between Human Development and CO2 emissions: projections and implications Poster (AGU2011 GC51C-0981) 9.12.2011 924'810 RybskiD_agu2011_poster.pdf
Identifying damage functions through density transformation Poster (EGU2011-289 NH5.5) 6.4.2011 214'437 RybskiD_SSC2010_poster.pdf
Analyzing the phase statistics of phenological records: fluctuations and correlations with temperature Talk (EGU2011-291 NP4.1) 4.3.2011 2'553'731 RybskiD_egu2011_pheno.pdf
Analyzing the phase statistics of phenological records: fluctuations and correlations with temperature Talk (DPG2011 DY 38.1) 17.3.2011 2'553'039 RybskiD_dpg2011_pheno.pdf
Correlations between Human Development and CO2 emissions: projections and implications Talk (DPG2011 SOE 17.2) 16.3.2011 859'046 RybskiD_dpg2011_hdi.pdf
Identifying damage functions through density transformation Poster (DPG2011 SOE 11.7) 15.3.2011 214'437 RybskiD_SSC2010_poster.pdf
About an indirect determination of damage functions Poster (SSC2010-135 P65) 15.9.2010 214'437 RybskiD_SSC2010_poster.pdf
Evidence for power-law anti-correlations in complex networks Talk (DPG2010 SOE 18.6) 25.3.2010 515'948 RybskiD_dpg2010.pdf
About human activity, long-term memory, and Gibrat's law Talk (DPG2009 AGSOE 17.2) 26.3.2009 1'060'740 RybskiD_dpg2009_gibrat.pdf
New Laws of City Growth Talk (DPG2009 AGSOE 8.1) 24.3.2009 4'161'714 RybskiD_dpg2009_city.pdf
About human activity, long-term memory, and Gibrat's law Talk (APS2009; V9.00009) 19.3.2009 548'782 RybskiD_aps2009_g.pdf
Patterns of behavior in an online community Talk (APS2009; H9.00014) 17.3.2009 965'170 RybskiD_aps2009_c.pdf
About human activity, long-term memory, and Gibrat's law Talk (APFA7 & Tokyo Tech) 3.3.2009 541'179 RybskiD_apfa7_2009.pdf
Climatological temperature records: presistence at asymptotic time-scales Poster (EMS2008-A-00149; AW2 P0103) 1.10.2008 521'324 EMS2008.pdf
Some aspects on human preference in communication and friendship Talk (APS2008; U39.00010) 13.3.2008 1'742'317 aps2008.pdf
Long-term memory in 1000 years simulated temperature records Poster (EGU2007-A-02853; NP3.04-1TU4P-0567) 17.4.2007 557'911 EGU2007.pdf
Long-term correlations in climate Talk 25.1.2007 2'554'089 ccny2007_pub.pdf
Network properties of meteorological stations connected by rank of phase synchronization or cross-correlation Poster (EGU06-A-04918; NP3.04-1TH3P-0233) 6.4.2006 1'413'939 EGU2006p.pdf
Untersuchungen von Korrelationen, Trends und synchronem Verhalten in Klimazeitreihen Dissertation 28.2.2006 5'148'308 RybskiD_Diss_2006.pdf
Precipitation and river runoff records: Long-term persistence and multifractality Talk 13.12.2005 1'477'086 Potsdam2005b.pdf
Die Erwärmung bodennaher Luftschichten in Zentralasien
Zur Problematik der Bestimmung von Trends und Langzeitkorrelationen
Discussion Paper 9/2005 831'773 MossigI_DiscPap26_2005.pdf
Phasensynchronisation des Niederschlags im Elbe Einzugsgebiet und seine Vernetzung (english) Talk 8.8.2005 634'400 Potsdam2005.pdf
Network properties of meteorological stations in the river Elbe basin quantified by phase synchronization Talk (DPG2005 DY 22.5) 5.3.2005 445'607 dpg2005.pdf
Langzeitkorrelationen und Trends bei Niederschlags- und Ablußzeitreihen Vortrag (Workshop "Skalenanalyse hydro(meteoro)logischer Zeitreihen") 21.10.2004 1'210'043 workshop-M2004.pdf
Multifractal Detrended Fluctuation Analysis: Application to Rainfall Records (german) Vortrag (DPG2004 DY 42.3) 11.3.2004 422'549 dpg2004.pdf
Detrended Multifractalanalysis of Temperature and Precipitation Records Poster (summer course in Varenna) 4.7.2003 1'350'256 DJV-Poster.pdf
Phasensynchronisation in Temperatur- und Niederschlagsmeßreihen Vortrag (DPG2003 DY 42.6) 27.3.2003 523'158 dpg2003.pdf
Detrended Fluctuation Analysis of Precipitation Time Series Talk (announcement) 30.5.2002 670'950 DFAPrecTS.pdf
Trendbeseitigende Fluktuationsanalyse von Niederschlagszeitreihen Diplomarbeit 22.3.2002 4'479'330 RybskiD_Dipl_2002.pdf
Trendbeseitigende Korrelations- und Multifraktalanalyse von Temperatur- und Niederschlagszeitreihen Poster (DPG2002 DY 46.23) 14.3.2002 1'425'186 DJ-Poster.pdf

Popular science:
Title Journal Issue Download
Welche Kosten verursacht der Klimawandel? Meer & Küste 2/2010 RybskiD_MuK_2010.pdf

Title Size Download
How to extract and handle CLM data from CERA 72'147 cera2ascii.pdf
